Feb 6, 2010

On My Road (Anthimos Michael)

The article on my road, tells a story about a person who goes on a bus trip to meet his friend at Texas. His friend usually broke into houses and after he was caught by the police, he moved to Texas. Living in Boston in 1964 and desperate to meet his friend, he bought a bus ticket for 100 dollars and he left Boston to meet his friend. After being on the bus traveling he was surprised to see how different the people were are, than the people he knew. The author living in the conveniences of the city, where the middle class and rich people live, was surprised see how poor people live and act. Usually poor and lower class people take the bus, and this unfamiliar behavior of these people was something new to the author. Although he studied in school many different races, for instance African Americans, the feeling of living with them and seeing them through his journey change his mind of what he thought about them. The media was presenting the African Americans often cartoonish and mean, which it turn out to be false. Only when you live someone you can tell his true behavior. Traveling through the cities of America he got to know America better and see the people from a different prospective.

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