Feb 28, 2010

Why America has to be fat. (Jee Yun Choi)

Nowaday, the world is really big and complecated. They expand their size of the economy too much. America is the most huge country which has big economy. But, big is not always good. Sometimes it causes side effects. There were some reason that America has to be fat.
As economy is developing, the society become really fast. Many people want to be fast and finish quickly although even their meal. That is why fast food became popular and it makes them fat. Of course, it is more convenience fot the people because they don't need to work hard or prepare for something for long time. On the other hands, there were unintended result that they never expected. It was negative due to the unefficient system.
Because They spent a mount of food, their stomachs become oversized and they had to pay for fixing this situation.
People have to change their pattern of work. They should try to move frequently for excercise and get their leisure time. They have to reduce the work time to enjoy this because they might be dangerous if they do not burn their calories.
They expend fewer calories and take more in. Therefore, pounds add up. The structure of economy made them fat. Nowaday, the world is really big and complecated. They expand their size of the economy too much. America is the most huge country which has big economy. But, big is not always good. Sometimes it causes side effects. There were some reason that America has to be fat.
As economy is developing, the society become really fast. Many people want to be fast and finish quickly although even their meal. That is why fast food became popular and it makes them fat. Of course, it is more convenience fot the people because they don't need to work hard or prepare for something for long time. On the other hands, there were unintended result that they never expected. It was negative due to the unefficient system.
Because They spent a mount of food, their stomachs become oversized and they had to pay for fixing this situation.
People have to change their pattern of work. They should try to move frequently for excercise and get their leisure time. They have to reduce the work time to enjoy this because they might be dangerous if they do not burn their calories.
They expend fewer calories and take more in. Therefore, pounds add up. The structure of economy made them fat.

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