Feb 14, 2010

Why America Has to Be Fat(Lingli Huang)

The history of America is short, but the speed of their economic development is so fast. And with the fast development , there appear a side effect of economic expansion—fat.
It looks like fat has become an important problem of America. Most of Americans are overweight, such as the writter. The obsity and the economy situation affect each other. The development of economic and technology make people exercise than before. They do not need do so much and still can get food. The change of women's right make them cook less and less. And the economic also need the Americans be fat. The fat Americans is good for the development of economy. The fat bring out many new products.
Because of the development of economy and technology, people's life is more easier. They do not need to work or move so much to finish their jobs. People paid a lot of monry for the unhealthy food, and they always gain a lot of calories but they seldom use ot. Their weight gain fast, just like the article said "on the calories-expended side of the fat economy, economists have noted the change in the worke place have caused us to burn fewer calories."
The fat also develop the economy, and the economy need them be fat. Diet medical, gym, unhealthy food, these products have a bid market.
People's fat and fat economy effect each other and become a bad circle. Amd won't fade anytime soon.

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