Feb 20, 2010

We want to choose whatever we want (Yuhui Li)

Afghanistan has a patriarchal culture and women do not have rights. They can't talkto boys and go to school or work."
It's been drilled into your head since you were a little girl: 'Don't talk with guys, don't ruin your reputation, everyone will gossip about you." I think it is so bad for afghanistan women because it is not equal . Everyone have their own rights either men or women. They can do something they want. Nobody want to be limited but women have no rights in afghanistan. " Even today, some families insist that girls, whose non-Afghan friends roam freely, return home immediately after school. It is not uncommon for girls to be engaged as young as 13 and be married by 16. " This is a big tragedy for them. They want to be free but women not equal to men in Afghanistan, they must follow the rules. I think everyone have rights in this world ,because we are all people.

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