Feb 28, 2010

Face or Escape ( Jin Huang)

While people happen some accident, and really in an emergency, so problem is to face or escape it ? Most people would said, it depends, because if it's a tough question, so it may better to skip it, but if it's easy,oh, just face it, and show off to your friends.
Actually, this is a Chinese Logic. Maybe it's eastern logic. Its a sad truth, but i have to recognize it in a really fair way.
So what's the western's thinking? Mostly, they would choose to face the question,even it's tough enough. It make them like to accept a challenge. Then people will have the glory and happy to share it with their friends.
I think this is a very big problem between east and west. In this case, we must to face it bravely even the before.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

There is an English saying, "face the music". That means, when there is an obstacle which you can escape, face it.

I don't think it's different to east or west. Some situation you have to face it, and when you are clear that you cannot deal with it, there is no sense to fight against it, just avoid it.

It's a way to get out of no-way.

Of course, you should face it first instead of escaping from the very beginning.
