Feb 27, 2010

East & West Pictures (Hoang Dinh)

Among the series of pictures about the differences between East & West by Liu Young, the "Traveling" picture has drawn my attention. In the picture, the artist, who is a Chinese but grown up in Germany, has claimed that Easterners take a lot of picture while traveling whereas Westerners only enjoy the sights with their own eyes. The artist has assumed that everybody from the same region always have the same preferences, which to me, is not true. People have different way to enjoy their trip and even they are from the same country, they could have different preferences. Some may prefer taking a lot of pictures so they can enjoy the view later on but some would be just fine enjoying the view with their eyes, and it's not necessary that they have to come from the same country. Even though I found it's great to compare different cultures as we can always learn something from it, but to make it reliable, the artist should keep her ideas more optimistic and balance.

Hoang Dinh

1 comment:

Leslie said...

You are right in saying that people from same country tend to be different, too. However, when generalizing or stereotyping, it is impossible to keep absolute objective and inclusive. Drawing a conclusion based on the majority of a group is not accurate, but reasonable.

To any generalization, there are always exceptions, but it definitely is the only effective way to learn knowledge.

Yet, it should be admitted that for any traveler, from east or west, taking pictures is always a must.
