Feb 28, 2010

Reality TV: Surprising throw back to the past?"(Yunzhen Li)

As my opinion from the essay "Reality TV: Surprising throw back to the past?",what the author want to say is, although the reality TV is the new fashion and have great originality, it is still the same as the formal social arrangement for younger members find mates in the old days. The author always talk about the women is Jan Austen's novel, as he said:" A woman who is not married by her late 20s is doomed to be and old maid". Yes, actually, these women are mostly seem married as a task. They try to do their best to find a nice husband and get happy life. In this way, these young women and men still can not make sure the man/woman is the right one, they always need other familiar people's help. In the old days, these people are their parents. In reality TV, these familiar include their family members and best friends, even TV audience but not just themselves. On another side, women join the reality TV because these "good husbands" always handsome, have a high degree and they have enough money. As the author says, "Money played a large role in the Victorian and Edwardian contract as well".

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