Feb 27, 2010

The child (Dun Gong)

The child
The western people charge a child like a member in the group. They are equal in many aspects and stand in the same position. They talk with each other in same way, such as they call their first name. On the other side, when the children go to school, their parents will require teachers arrange a person in the intersection traffic permitted, ensure the safety of the children.
Easterners charge the child like a star. They provide all the things that they can to the child. The grandparents are also need to take response to care the child. The parents, even the grandparents are centre with the child and they pick up children every day.They love their children and grandson, but they display the different way to express their love.
Comparing these two pictures, you can see the different culture in attitude of treat child.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I think "charge" in "the western people charge a child like a member ..." actually means "treat".

Yes, child in a family is called "emperor", based on whom all the others are arranged, such as family schedule, three meals, location of the house, family expenses, etc. parents, grandparents on both sides, at least six adults are surrounding one child. As the "center" or the "focus" of all these 12 eyes, the "emperor" actually leads a tough life, too.
Then is the western attitude toward child more reasonable?
