Sep 27, 2009

Thoughts after reading "Long Overdue"

After reading the article “Long Overdue”, I keep my silence for a while. I am not sure if I were the writer, I would choose to say back or just leave it. It is hard to against in front of the crowd. Even sometimes, it is also not easy to controvert with someone you do really care so much in your close relationships. Probably it is easily way for us to say nothing. Because we may want to pretend nothing and just let it go, at least, we can still keep the harmony in the face. But deep in our mind, we still cannot convince ourselves there is nothing happened. The vexation still bother in our mind or fret in our heart until one day we couldn’t take it and suddenly burst out and might also scare. It’s just like in the article “ Long Overdue” mentions about the weeds getting more and more than the grass until too hard for us to fix it. Maybe it’s better to start earlier to fix the crucial problem, at least it won’t get worse afterwards. Still, if everybody can make their hearts grow larger and learn to be polite and more respectful to other person’s point of view, with much more care for others, even during an argument. I believe it’s will be much easier to understand the difference with the sympathy. I do like the writer mention in the article about what did Aldous Huxley say toward the end of his life when someone asked him for advice? His answer is “ Be a little kinder to one another.” I think that is very simple but great wisdom understanding for us to learn.


Jianjie Zhao said...

I agree with you opinion. However, not everyone have chances to accept education like us. I think we need argeu, but we are not suggest argue it politely, in another words, we should speak everything loudly, that is only way we can get truth from

CoramDeo said...

After I read your article, I felt I might be the one of people who hurt Naomi. As I keep relationships for people, I shall think not to speak out any words which might be harmful for them.
Thank you. your article taught me a lesson.