Sep 27, 2009

Every one should be admired(Yi Feng Wang)

After Reading the article, I feel I am on writer's side. In society, there are too many arguement on racial problem. In my eyes, all people are born the same, as long as they have kind hearts, no matter what skin color they have, no matter where they from, we should admire them. The writer was once heard some bad words towards her race, and towards all people who come from her country and stay abroad. I would feel angry if I hear this kind of words, because it's a sort of discrimination. As a Chinese, the same as she is an Arabian, we have the same sense of dignity to our country. If someone try to break it, we should say some words. I am not sure why the writer hold her tongue, maybe she was not mature at that time. But she regret not doing it. In my vision, the purpose of this article is not that only the writer want to tell people about this story, and says how regretful she feel, but she is trying to express a signal that though racial problem are still being argued today, every one in the world should be admired. It's a world of care and love, not a world of discrimination.


MinjianRuan said...

As a Chinese in america, we should not do something losing our Home Country's face.

Jianjie Zhao said...

I agree with your idea which is everyone is same and equal, but why we need to admire everyone, we have our freedom to like or hate someone, because not everyone is nice to others. learn how to protect yourself when you make friends