Sep 27, 2009

Long overdue (Heejin Kim)

Before I read the article, I could not guess what the title want to say to us : Long overdue.
I thought many various things about "overdue" But I knew the meaning after reading the article and the author's purpose. Naomi is an Arab American and she heard bad things about Arab in England. She was very angry and mad for that kind of saying, she could not tell anything to them. actually I have same experience with Naomi.
When I came in New York, I did not speak English very well.
I lived in dormitory and I met many international students at there.
But one of my international friends told me about East Asia. She had kind of bad bias. she thought Asian people are poor and they have very low culture. I was very mad but I could not say anything because I did not want to argue with her. My English speaking skill was very low and I did not how to confute with her. It became "long overdue".
I had same emotion with author at that moment.
And I realized we need to lean about another countries culture and we have to recognize that different countries have different culture.

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