Nov 2, 2008

Yongfei Gu: About Critical Thinking

"I teach my kids that these things are right and these things are wrong." "Wouldn't that teach them to believe anything they're told without applying any critical thinking?" "I don't think about that."
The first time I heard the word critical thinking was in my university in China. My English professor read an article which was about critical thinking. Actually, that words were very unfamiliar for me. Because since I became a student, I was told to follow the teachers and follow the books without thinking whether they were right or not. I was accustomed to accepting the read-made stuffs such like the theorise,the answers to the questions,etc. And never think about WHY. In my opinion, the education based on the tests makes students have such a bad behavior.
Parents and teachers who are really want to help us with our problems. However, sometimes they may not use the right way. So, when you decide to do something, first you should use your critical thinking to think about which aspect is right while which is wrong. Do not just rely on the ready-made results others did before, because different people may have different ideas.

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