Nov 9, 2008

starting with hope

If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.

We can’t deny that Obama is a successful speaker; he made a perfect inaugural speech. Many people cried for his success, especially for some black people, because it’s true that Obama is the first black president in the history of America. His success stands out the change of across gender and race .Some people who still have the thoughts that there still exists the discrimination to black people will regard this result as a transition. From the moment of success for Obama, people can never put color and discrimination together. From the beginning of vote, Obama has been made as the hope of great evolution in the future of America. Because several years ago, no one can wonder that a black person can be the first leader in America. Even Obama himself didn’t dream that he can win the vote. That’s why Obama said in his speech “yes, we can”. From his speech, we can feel the power of confidence to achieve the dream. As a leader, Obama has the adequate qualification that let his people know that he can give them a bright future, and also their children.

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