Nov 7, 2008

Why people prefer Barack Obama? (jake yoon)

Barack Obama became the 44th president of United States.

and im really congratulate him.

"i know you didn't do this just to win an election and i know you didn't do it for me."
by Barack Obama

first, i wanna ask to people who support Barack Obama, why do you prefer Obama better than McCain? most of my friends support Obama instead of McCain. but WHY?

So, i asked every single person who support Obama, why do you support Obama? their answers were just becuase they like him. or they don't have answer.

Obama and McCain they both have drawbacks. For my opinion, Obama is too young to be a president, of course, old is not the best, but if the president is young, he doesn't have mush skill to business or trading skills. and he is just came out not like McCain. Obama is like a new toy for children. On the other hands, McCain is too old for president, and he went to army servise, so he practically weak in business. because he went to army service, he is more strict about war. if he ecame a president, U.S will be safe but war is going to be happened more often.

i do not support either of two candidates. however, i prefer Barack Obama, the reasone is that now Americans have to have more adventure of their economics. and they need a leader to have a powerful UnitedStates.
i don't know it is going to be good or not, but Americans threw their die and i hope that Obama is a good leader for United States.


Leslie said...

I also congratulate him . :)

barack Obama was really young to be a president. but i dont think that the younger man can not do leader. Age is not a support things about his ability.

I think barack Obama can many things for United states .
moreover, he can do many things that what he want to changed united states.:)

Leslie said...

first commant written by heekyung.cho :)

Leslie said...

Barack Obama is not just president, he is not just black person. he wants to make a history in the United States, i want to give him a point about that reason. the person who wants to make a history of U.S canno be disregarded.

jake yoon

Mayur Raniya said...

I think we should not oppose barack obama beacuse he is the future of USA. I agree that Mccain has better experience than Obama. We have seen Mccain's performance also and it was remarkable but still i would say that we should all support our new young president Barack Obama to proove himself that he can bring a change in America and can lead America towards success. Then only we will come to know about his skill.