Nov 7, 2008

The New Era of Visual Images: Quincy Shen

" Text also can include visual images, such as personal photographs and magazine and television images."

This is a quote from When working mother collides with gender & society.

Visual images become a growing trend towards people's creative compositions. Some people don't understand what the texts exactly mean or the definitions of some specific academic words; therefore, some good visual images can help them a lot.
We know images not only have those advantageous functions I mentioned above, they can also attract people's attentions.
Nowadays, people lives in a busy social environments, and they may feel boring to read a whole text without something relaxing. We know people like to watch TV more than to listen to radios. Obviously, TV have colorful images.
I think a text with some visual images let it become more vivid and affectionate. A formal text can also has its own way to use some special images to express its feelings.

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