Nov 16, 2008

"It's time to change something", Mayur Raniya

It will probably be the most imporatant day in American History when Obama was elected as the president of united states of America. Obama is the first black president and he is all about change. A passionate speaker, very honest and supports the middle class. Im sure Obama will bring a lot of changes to America with his new policies and economy will surely rise. He has given a new meaning to American politics which has encouraged the young generation to take more interest in politics of the country.


Leslie said...

i agree with the fact that Obama is young and passionate, and honest. however, we dont' know he can bring a new era, and we dond't know he is the right one yet.
we just have to believe him because we chose him.
we have to believe him to make the new world. that's why the first new black president was elected.

jake yoon

Leslie said...

I believe that people would believe him and that is why he could be the president. I hope he will do well as people believe him..

Younghee Jeong

Leslie said...
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Leslie said...

I also agree with you. he is passionate speaker, very honest and a lot of supports the middle class. I am also sure his ability on president United States. I think he can changed a lot of things in United States!
