Nov 8, 2008

if president does U.S business by himself, it is wrong (jake yoon)

"There will be setbacks and false starts. There are many who won't agree with every decision or policy I make as President, and we know that government can't solve every problem. But I will always be honest with you about the challenges we face. I will listen to you, especially when we disagree. And above all, I will ask you join in the work of remaking this nation the only way it's been done in America for two-hundred and twenty-one years - block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand. "
-Barack Obama

Obama said government can't solve every problem. it shows that he is democracy. if McCain is elected, the speech is going to be different. Barack Obama, the 44th president of United States, will listen U.S citizens, however, does it going to be happened? maybe, not. Barack Obama is smart and he knows how to deal with people, and he graduated #1 school, and he was congrassmen. however, citizens might angry about his ruling later.
Be a president is very hard, tough, and is very lonely. why lonely? Actually, when on the way back , after summer vacation, in the air plane, i read one book called; "living as chief" it is korean book, and my father suggested me to read it.
So after i read the book, i realized that how hard living as chief and how hard ro manage all company or even country.
there is noone can help him, president. he has to do everything bt himself. if he did well, all citizens will say "that's why we chose him", but if he did bad and economy or stocks are getting low, poeple will say "i knew he is going bad, he doesn't know anything".
being a president is a lonely journey. i want to applause for him again.


Leslie said...


Well, Obama has been elected as a president of the united states. And i think he is elected because he got something, he has been elected by millions of people and may be couple of thousands people can make mistake for choosing obama, but not millions of people. Even McCain mentioned in his concession speech that Obama is more capable then him.
In second paragraph you said that "Be a president is very hard, tough, and is very lonely." But actually to be a president is very hard and tough, but not lonely. Because whatever president takes the dicision there are his advisors to advice him about the particular topic. There are many helper to the president.
In the ending part, i think, you want to say that if president do anything wrong, people should not blame him.
But as per my thinking. People have right to blame even president, because being a president is the great job and whatever president work for his country, he is paid off for those work. A President should not take any dicision, that harms to his nation and it's people, even by mistake. Because a president is choosen from millions of people, nobody will let you, me or anybody else to be a president without any ability to perform that job like Obama.

Leslie said...

Finally, Obama became a new president. Be a president, it is hard, tough and lonely. Even the president has people like an advisor, i think it is different, because president and advisor, absolutely, they have different position. Like even if i have real friends who can share my thought, that real friends cannot be myself. So, Obama, he might had a lonely time and also he will have lonely time, too, but, i believe he will be a good president. (Yeajeong Lee)