May 2, 2010

what is writing? YU CHEN

What is writing?
In my opinion, writing is based on language. In our own country, we use our own language to narrate story. Some of those stories are full of imaginations while some are full of touching memories. Wiring is something like those stories which beat our heart deeply. I think it’s the magic of writing.
From English 1F and 2F, I learn lots of things about writing, especially formal writing. I have written in English before I came to America, but those things are immature and informal. After learning the relatively professional English writing classes, I do learn more about writing. When I first writing essay, I know how to work on works cited. For the first time, I know the important of plagiarism. When I first writing research paper, I know how to research the date and material. It’s really long for me, the research paper. However, as I said before, once you really enjoying writing, you will find that the limited pages are not enough, you have too much to express though writing. It’s called inspiration. Once you have this kind of inspiration, the words will be like water, flowing from your pen. When I first write short story, I couldn’t helping saying that it’s my favorite part of all English writing classes. It’s not boring like research paper. There is lots of space for you to bring all your inspiration to play. Writing is this kind of thing I wrote before. Story can touch people, research paper is very useful for education and science and essay is good for students to express their feeling. Writing is like the magic which can make a bridge between two minds.

1 comment:

Phuong Nguyen said...

You seem enjoy writing so much, huh? That's really good and I'm jealous of that. I do feel happy and excited when finishing a paper, especially the story that I just wrote. But if someone asks me whether I want to write another story, I will say no. Anyway, I'm so glad that you like writing :)