May 2, 2010

What is like to you to stay all day reading .do you agree or disagree?(KOSANDINA BARDHI)

Is people right to choose if they want to stay all day reading or not. But many of them agree with this fact or are against this. In my opinion stay reading is something worth for my culture to be improved but all day isn’t worth for my brain. Before a student or someone else decides to spend all his day reading he or she should consider the benefits and bad things that can cause this habit.
Firstly reading is a good habit that everyone should do but not to overdo because this can cause damage to your brain. Because it doesn’t need only to learn but also to be enter taint. So you should read least 6 hour per day. In this way your brain is able to memorize all the things that you have read. It is like a strategy, more better you study more productive you are going to be.
Secondly there exist people who are frozen in studying but devoting only in learning they often forget what they need .a person doesn’t mean only to study but also his character is important. For example in my secondary school i have a boy in my class who studies a lot but if we ask him for lessons he was ready to answer but for general things he wasn’t able to speak. Since I knew him I haven’t seen him to be in society with no one. He always stays alone in his own word. Therefore you have to be able to manage your time on studying and enjoin life in the same time
Finally, if you consider all the thing mention above I am sure that you will think about your studying strategy. Studying it doesn’t mean only reading but also to hear others opinion and why not reflecting .

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