Apr 30, 2008

Summer byTrang Dao

I have always wondered

Is there a question mark because one is curious…
Or one is curious because there’s a question mark?

Anyway, my random ranting for this journal would be about summer vacation. Yes I know I am thinking wayyyy ahead, but I can’t help drooling about it. I am such a bad student, aren’t I? I miss Vietnamese food so much. It’s so weird that even some of the food I used to hate, to my surprise I come to crave for them. I have too many plans for the summer I don’t think I can do all of them but anyway, just for the record~~
I’ve been planning to learn ball room dancing (blame Dancing with the Stars)…
I’ve wanted to take fashion design…
I’ve been waiting to come back to take wushu class…
And I’ll definitely take class for cooking…
I am dreaming of going off to the beach and gossiping hours with my girl friends. We have been away from each other for quite a while, I’ve missed them dearly. Of course we talk now and then but still … seeing them face to face would be the best…
I missed the times we all went on the motorcycles and just go around lakes to lakes and talked about random stuff.

Summer ah~~~~ come come soon…..

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