Apr 24, 2008

Another Way of Expression; Writing, instead of speaking

I believe that writing is one of the important parts of language learning as a foreign student. Writing is basically another way to speark or express what i believe, see, hear, or feel.
In my case, i'm still learning English as a foreign student in the US. I like writing the most among four skiils of English which are reading, listening, speaking and writing. Writing is adcantageous because i can express my thoughts and then recise to improve my skills. Sometimes it is better to speak than write because speaking is easy. Putting ideas into writing is hard work, especially when students are learning foreign languages like English. For example, for me, speaking in French is easiler than writing which i like. I think this applies to every language. Writing in English is not easy work even though i have an interest and i have been studying English for a few years in English-speaking countries.
In particular, for international students, there can be several obstacles to learning English. In English, a sentence usually starts with a subject followed by a verb and then an object. On the other hand, in Korean writing, it starts wirh a subject followed by an object and then a verb. This different grammar style is the first conspicuous characteristic. This is very confusing when we are writing in English for the first time. Another problem is the lack of vocabulary. If students do not know any words except pronouns, of course they cannot finish a sentence. To memorize some vocabulary is important so that students attempt to make sentences. They can also write whatever they want to say as sentences and these sentences could become a paragraph.


- Soo Yeon

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