Apr 30, 2008

Change by Trang Dao

I talked to one of my good friends today. It’s been so hard to talk to her because we both have different schedule and we could not really find any spare time to even call each other. I have missed her, beside the fact that she is the only one of my close friends who goes study abroad in the State like me. It has always been nice to have her company. We had a lot to catch up and we talked for hours.
She told me about her emotion dilemma between these two guys she’s seeing. Aish, sometimes I wonder why she makes it so complicated. She has a little too many feelings for more than one guy lol. She was struggling between choosing one of the many she’s flirting with so she called me and asked me for advice. I feel so confused. I thought she would know better to act however her feelings lead her. But instead, she told me it would be regretful for her to let go of a guy who has a lot to offer.
I suddenly remember one of the saying I came across a while ago watching a movie of some sort that I can not really recall now. “Men give, women receive”. I start to think whether it is the right thing to do. I have always been raised to be self-sufficient and I’ve always looked up to women who take charge in their life successfully. I was quite a bit taken back at her story. To be honest I found it quite disturbed that she knew me well and yet confronted me with a matter she knew my answers. I didn’t know what to say so I stayed quiet and listened to her story for little more. But the more I hear her, the more I feel like she was not someone who I’ve been comfortable around anymore. There were obvious huge differences in our views of life and such. Suddenly, it did not feel like that hot summer day when we went boating and daydreaming non-stop about growing up and music and fashion and whatever come across our minds. I told her frankly how I felt, and we kind of getting ourselves in a little argument, in which I slightly regretted telling her my feelings. I have my own beliefs and she has her own. And we both think we were right, so it’s hard to convince one another.
Then it hit me, I realize that maybe, the only constant in life is change. Just like how she has changed her views, and how I change my feelings toward her. To think about it, we see more things in the past 3 years, we meet more people and encounters different problems, we have different ways of solving problems too.
So by the end of the phone call, I’ve decided to keep the nice memories about her with me and never to ask about her relationship unless she wants me to listen and calm enough to handle my point of views. She is still one of my favorite persons. And I hope it won’t change ^^. On a lighter note, I truly hope she would choose someone who she has really fallen for so I could strengthen my belief in true love.

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