Apr 30, 2008

Climbing the intestinal wall of writing

by Deokhee Ko

Actually, writing, essay…and all of like writings were an annoying process to me. In addition, they made to frustrate to me. For example, when I took ENG1F, I felt nervous every time because of essay. But now, I knew that ENG 1F and Eng 2F were very helpful to me. Thanks to these classes, I feel better than past when I write something. For this reason, I think that international students have to do these courses.
The first reason is that these courses offer to practice writing to international students before they write real essay and paper in other classes. And they can learn structure about essay such as MLA format and various types of essay. Even though writing is obstacle to me and international students, we can learn not only writing skills but also reading, grammar and other things. That reminds me, I just do not think about my purpose about writing. Aimlessly, I just write essay and research paper. Sometimes, not sometimes, usually, I feel very confused when I write new essay or research paper. Maybe, my main problem is that I do not have vivid purpose. Of course, I have ultimate purpose, it is successful study abroad. Therefore, I have to get good grade. But, I cannot sure whether it is right or not. In addition, other problem is that I cannot translate easily from Korean to English. Actually, in Korea, I really enjoy to write something but now I cannot translate well as my own word. Undoubtedly, these problems make to unclear to my essay. For instance, when I wrote research paper, I really felt difficult to write objectively about research paper. This problem is caused by my fixed concept and habit. In fact, research paper was really challenge to me, and I could not have any idea about that. Most big difficult thing was that I could not write all of my materials objectively. Now, I understood why professor gave this homework to us. For this essay, I can learn
exactly what big problems to me and my essay. Always, I just think that I cannot write well because I am not native. However, now I know that this is just my preconception. When I wrote research paper, I thought why I have to this. Think about this, it is good way to learn another type of writing. In addition, another misunderstanding is that I think that essay and writing mean just homework.

Through this evaluation, I thought about solutions which can help to overcome my problems. The first thing is confidence. I thought that I felt every time too nervous when I wrote something. I want to be more active person when I have to do something included with writing. The second things is creative and critical thinking, they help to make essay more enjoyable. I really need to these things because my essay usually just enumerates my own opinion and explanation without creative ideas. So, in my opinion, both creative and critical thinking, confidence really are necessary to me. Of course, most good thing is practice writing such English diary. Frankly, I did try to write English diary little bit, but I did not keep going on. Accordingly, for improving my writing skills, I want to try again it, and I want to be a good writer in the near future. Please pray for me! Lastly, I really appreciate for this class and instructor Leslie bai even though I still have to study more and more about writing.

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