Apr 30, 2008

My writing development -Hanayu Hiroto

Writing was never my speciality, even in my home language.If I want to express my feelings, I would rather draw a picture instead. Or if I want to organize my thoughts, I would search for lyrics online that relate to my thoughts and make myself understand. And so writing essays weren't always fun to me. However eventually, this class helped me in four different ways.
One is, it gave me the opportunity to organize my own thoughts without the help of someone else's words or lyrics and made me realize how hard it is. I believe that humans are all thinkers, and so we all have the possibility to write great original essays full of our own ideas and perspectives, but somehow every single person has different difficulties in writing. In my case, the difficulty was to organize my thoughts. Once the switch turns on, my thoughts flow out from my hand and it feels very good, but if I read it all over the sentences are inconherent.It was very depressing at the beginning not to write freely too much, but gradually I got used to write step by step. And eventually, this class helped me in four different ways.
Second of all, it was very good for me that the professor kept telling us to expand our vocabulary and use variaties of words. Learning how to express the same feelings in many different ways, made the writing so much fun, and also made me want to know English more and more. I was so surprised by how fun it is.
Third of all, everytime I handed out my 1st draft, professor Bai kept asking me 'why do you think that?''why do you believe that?' why, why, why. This pushed me to dig deeper and deeper in my mind, and it eventually made my imposing writings softer because my explanation became more specific and understandable.
Lastly, I am a very neutral person. I don't judge things. Therefore sometimes it was very uncomfortable for me to state firm opinions in my writings, because I didn't want to be against the opposite opinion. But through this class, I realized that even though I don't have a strong opinion, if I just keep writing and writing relating to the topic, it reaches to something very strong and clear conslusion that I wouldn't want to concede.

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