Dec 15, 2009

An Unsent Message

An Unsent Message
Boy and girl is a couple, girl likes rain. Boy is always holds the umbrella for girl when its rain, so that he will get wet from head to foot every time it rains. He never says something, just feels happiness when girl is enjoying of the rain.
Boy and girl went out for a date. Girl is exciting and has a lot to talk. Boy also talks, but only for a few because he would like to hear from the girl more than himself. If she feels happy he will feels the same. When they were passing a building, a stone was falling to girl. The stone is not that big, but is enough to kill a person if its falls to the girl. No time to wait, boy clasps girl to be under his protect, girl squealed. Boy tried to use his body ward off the stone, but when they were almost close to the ground he turned over his body. Then, he became the one who was under the girl, and girl got fracture of her hand by the stone.
Girl just be aware of the feeling from her hand, it hurts her hand and also her heart. She can not stop the tears effuse from her eyes. She though that they should be spouse for each other like the birds from same forest, but now she changed her mind and thinks that is a truth when calamities came, everyone will get away from the calamities by their own. Refrain the hurts from hand, she gets up and run away from the boy. She did not even spend one second to take a look at boy.
Boy is calling her name behind her, with a quiver voice. His mouth is already changed the color to white. He takes out the cell phone and tries to call the girl, but finally gave up after he tried many times. Then he starts to typing something on the cell phone. At the same time, the blood started spread from his body. His hand falls down in the blood with a unsent message on his cell phone. He finally did not press the key of sending the message.
The second day, girl got message about that the boy is having salvage in the hospital. She forgot how mad she was yesterday, and just run to the hospital. When she arrived to hospital doctor is announcing that the boy is died during the salvage. The reason is because he lost too much blood from his lung.
When boy was going to ward off the stone, all of a sudden, he found a rebar for a few inches long is standing on the ground. Then, he used all his power turned around, only let the stone hurts the girl’s hand, but the rebar gets right in his lung.
Boy’s mother gave his cell phone to the girl, girl is looking at the message that did not send out: I am so sorry I did not protected you at all and let you got hurt. Girl can not stays any more, running to the place that where the boy is now, with her tears.

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