May 4, 2009

What is writing? Miyako Okuda

People live in society as a member of the group. I can never live completely alone. We are always involved in others and our existence is certified when it is related to others. So people always need to express to society. Language is the one of the most greatest tools of communication and also the one of the most greatest cases of human evolution. I believe that the development of language has helped to develop civilization. There are two kinds of the way of using it; one is speech and listening, the other is writing and reading. Speech and listening do not have any shape. On the other hand, writhing has a shape.
What is writing? This question seems to be easy but sometimes it is difficult that the subject is too simple. If writing is writing, what kinds of writing are around us? And what are they for? First, we have writings to convey things to people, such as news papers and journals. Second, we have writings to spread and hand down things to posterity, such as history books and science books. Third, we have writing to express ourselves, such as a poems and letters. Fourth, we have writings to define things, such as a constitution.
I read a lot of journals and two books about gay marriage for writing my research paper. Many people debate on the subject in writing. Through reading writings, I could know a lot of opinions and people’s thoughts. We can listen to what people who live on opposite side of world think right now, and what people who lived two hundred years ago thought at the time through writings.
Writing ties the past, the present and the future together, and makes sense about things. If writing does not exist, history is not handed down, technology is not developed and the law does not exist. Writing make this world get together.

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