May 3, 2009

Importance of Writing by Ramil Chabayev.

Importance of writing

As children grow up, they learn more and more things, discover something new for themselves. First, they learn how to walk, then they learn how to talk, and, finally, to read and to write. One of the most important part of our lives is the knowledge of writing. Writing affects us within our family, at school and especially at work.
Firstable, writing helps people express themselves. Writing can be a great tool to help you know more about the way you think, writing can solidify ideas and thoughts, and allow you to reflect on them better than if the ideas remained evolving in your head.
Writing is how much of the world communicates. If you don't write, you cut yourself off from a large community.
Writing is one of the ways that we translate our thoughts for other people. Some people are better at expressing themselves in writing than any other way, and you thus get a better translation when you read what they have to say rather than hearing them speak.
Writing assists you with other language tasks as well. Writing helps you learn how to form language, how to spell, how to put together a plot. You learn how to make a logical argument, or how to persuade, mainly through writing. Speaking can help you learn those things as well, but it is easier to self-examine and evaluate how to improve when you have something concrete in front of you, and can revise.
As for me, writing is a skill set that lets me convey my ideas in a way that lasts. Of course, a lot of students would argue about the importance of writing correctly, because usually friends do not care if e-mails or text messages are gramatically correct or have thesis statement.
Most of my friends probably don’t care about those things. They are willing to spend the time to figure out what I meant to say even if I wasn’t clear about it.
However, there are other situations like school or in the business world and other audiences like teachers and business professionals – for whom those things will matter. Those things will matter simply because paying attention to the details of good writing shows that you have the kind of discipline and professionalism that are prized in your career field.
You are only valuable to your employer to the extent that you can solve problems and produce results. All this work requires ability to think as hard as you can and often you will be asked to convey your ideas in writing. If those ideas don’t make sense, if they are not clearly presented, your bosses will move on. They don’t have the time to try to figure out what you meant to say, and they are unlikely to trust that you can produce the kind of results they want if your writing shows that you don’t pay attention to detail and don’t care about the quality of your work.
I think the importance of writing is obvious. It does affect a lot of parts of person's live and, in my opinion, the right thing to do is to be always grammatically correct, even when texting your friends or writing an informal e-mail.

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