May 3, 2009

To write is to find myself (Jungtzu Lin)

Since prevalence of internet, especially widespread blog, brings writing closer to our daily life, we have been given more chances and places to write. Therefore, writing is getting more and more important in our life.

There are two purposes to write; one is to communicate, another is to express ourselves.
First, we need to write in order to communicate. Writing is very useful and fundamental instrument to send a message because we are able to relate facts more precisely by written than by oral communication. Also it is important that we can leave on record forever.

Second, we write because we want to express myself. Writing is a simple and convenient instrument, but it can be one of the most powerful means of self-expression, like other arts, such as painting or music; however, as for me to express my own opinion or feeling is the hardest part in this writing course. Writing a fact is one thing, writing about my feeling or opinion is another. I have to have something to express, and moreover, I have to have a desire to express. Through writing three essays I was asked my opinion and enforced to think about love, culture and collision. I was very surprised that I did not have any opinion about those topics, and I was shocked how shallow I had been.

The most difficult assignment in this course was writing about “Love.” Of course I loved and love a lot of people in my life, and it should be a near affair to everyone. However, I could not come up with topic for long time. I read some essays written by students to get some ideas, and I was very impressed with their way to express their feeling. They pick up a little thing of ordinaries of life which everyone go through, and express their feelings straightforward. I think that the difference between those who are good at writing and those who are not arises from their lifestyles. It is important that we should habitually observe daily life and what is happening around us, and think about it in deep. Even when we need to relate a fact to somebody, it is important for us to examine object carefully in order to send correct message.

Also, it is very useful for me to learn a basic process and rule of writing. Especially, to learn how to make an outline is productive. As Professor Bai says, “we cannot construct a house without construction diagram,” it is essential to make an outline before writing.
Usually I know where I am going, so I try to make an outline in order to reach my destination. However, sometimes I am surprised that it leads me the different direction which I do not expect. I think that is the most interesting point of writing. Writing reveals unexpected and unlikely myself through struggling to write.

Beyond doubt, we need to know basic writing skill and proper English usage in order to improve organization of essay. But I think the most important factor of a good essay is how deeply and critically it is thought.


Leslie said...

im totally agree with ur idea.
i learned a lot of writing rules im my class. satomi

Leslie said...

i seriously just hate writing serious stuff