May 4, 2009

What Is Writing-----Superwoman Lucy lol

Lucy Jiao

What Is Writing

Writing is like emotion, it is never limited by situation.Who cares about the real world? We express out our emotions no matter the situations. We have our own silent way of revolution. Pen is the weapon and paper is the bullet. We criticize the ugly part of lives, we carol the little detail even it is as little as a ladybug in spring.We shout out, do not judge who we are by appearances, cuz you won’t get to know us unless you see what we write.

Writing is a decision; there is never a right or wrong.I don’t love him anymore, so I put it into writing; just in case I change my mind in the last minute. Writing becomes a decision maker, or I say writing nails my decision; it nails down my thoughts which are as important as money. See, there is never a right or wrong when a guy decides to write a love letter to his beloved.

Writing has its own function, imagination never dies.J.K. Rowling doesn’t know Harry Potter would ever become a legendary hit in literature history. She did not write these series for any commercial purpose but writes whatever pops from her mind. Now, writing has provided a stage of imagination for the old and the young. I used to be a millionaire in my stories, maybe I will in the future. I encourage myself to become a hard-worker in the story, and in real life.

Writing is like a fountain, you never know what is coming out next.Do you know what I’m going to write? Well, I don’t know either. Writing is like going on a blind date, do not expect every guy you meet is going to be your prince of charming. Make it as a surprise; when you look back, regardless it is good or ok, this is a piece of memory. Writing has been a pain in my college life, but also gives me a blue sky holiday when my leaves are fallen.

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