Apr 27, 2009

My process of writing(Dmitry Ustyantsev)

Well, writing process was never a nice part of my academic life since I was at high school. Why? Because I don't have neither talent to write easily nor attitude for hard and annoying work. Annoying for me, I understand that it is very subjective point of view. I actually enjoy much more receiving audio and video information. I always try to find news sources that would tell me what is going on using video reports. A text given in addition to the report would not be that great. If I need to make a report or a presentation I rarely write some speech or plan and actually get annoyed if somebody making a presentation reads the text like a robot. That doesn't catch attention and certainly is harder to understand than a live, maybe scripted, speech. However, I like to read, especially well-written fiction. When a writer is talented enough you stop seeing the text but start seeing pictures of what is written about. 
Writing is an understandable necessity for my academic career because any student has to take a certain number of writing courses. Despite I don't enjoy writing at all, I understand the necessity of that because some degree of writing skills is valuable not only for academic but, very possible, for professional success on many fields. 
Writing courses are a great misery for international students. That is my opinion. The obstacle on their way to completed good essays are simple low level of foreign language skills. It doesn't mean that none of them speaks English but the lack of practice and mistakes in their writing or speaking style, very annoying for their reader or listener, are the main obstacles on their way to well-written work. However, they have to pass it if they want to learn to write better in English. Practice is the only way to improve your foreign language skills.
If I choose a type of writing I prefer I would choose the less formal types such as journals or blog postings because those are closer to natural speech. My hate of formal writing was mentioned above already.
Two things are required to be a good writer: talent and lots of hard work. Those two things multiply each other. You have less talent- you have to work more and put more effort. And otherwise.
The writing courses I've had taught me organization of my writing mainly and of course lots of minor mistakes were corrected in my essays that let me improve my English generally. 
They gave me some practice necessary for writing better works for other courses. However, I hope I will need less of those skills in my life. I would better hire an editor if I have to.

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