Oct 14, 2007

Ako Ando "Chicken Noodle Soup"

I chose Chicken Noodle Soup for this essay.
This American food is popular in America as a home remedy.
Home remedy is food or custom which is not proved scientifically to cure cold, but it is inherited from generation to generation traditionally in the family or in the country because it is said to be effective against cold. The image of all American food I have had before was very bad for our health and beauty, but my image toward American food became a bit better by knowing culture of American home remedy.
About one year ago, one hip-hop song and one dance style were getting very popular in America especially around New York. The title of this song and the name of this interesting dance style are also both "chicken noodle soup". I found some videos relating to it, so I would like to put them on here!

But I couldn't put videos on this page...I don't know how to do it...so I copied and pasted URL. (゜へ゜)




Leslie said...

Let me help you, honey.
Sometimes, if you cannot upload the video, you can try to copy the code which is shown beside the video on YouTube, as "Embed". Copy the code and paste onto your post, then it will be done. You have have a try.


Leslie said...

Thank you for your help!
I will try it^^
I'm happy to be put those videos I chose on here!

Leslie said...

You are always welcome. And I like your videos, too. Expecting for more interesting videos.