Oct 15, 2007


There is lots of snow on the ground.
Trees, houses, benches…everything is frozen.
A man, who puts his hand into his long coat with muffler around his neck, kicks the snow, but his shoe fly away instead of snow.
He jumps to get his shoe, but he falls into snow.
A girl, who also wears long coat with muffler, she is laughing and pointing at him. Then, she throws snow ball at him. Even, tree throws snowball at him.
It looks more than what she threw.
They are running around the white field and sliding on the field and making snow angels to send them to heaven.
There is a giant tree in front of field, which seems to remember these two people’s memory. They create letters on that giant tree with snow,
“I will see you again next time.”

By.Mr. Jung-Han Kim

1 comment:

Leslie said...

What a sweet memory!
Your story makes me eager to have winter soon. I cannot wait any more. But when winter really comes, if there is no snowball thrown to me, what a sad story it will be.