Oct 15, 2007

My View of American Food

What represents American food is its size and amount. The size and amount of food is so large that I felt I was having a dreamwhen I saw it for the first time. What makes me more surprosing is Americans eat this kind of food every day. As a matter of fact, obesity should be a major problem.In Japan, trying to find the people regarded as overweight here is very hard (exclude sumo wrestlers).Being overweight means there is a strong possibility of paying enormous medical expences in the future.It's not recommended to make medical workers happy only for this reason.I wonder why Americans don't make the size and quantity of food smaller.

Yoshihiro Yamamoto


Leslie said...

You are right. When I first saw the huge popcorn can and soda can in the theater, I was knocked out. Everyone seemed to have never eaten popcorns for ages or centuries.

Alexey said...

Omg, smaller portions. America don’t need it. U can buy almost double portion almost for free. America needs more free food.