Mar 1, 2009

something about gender (Xu Yuan)

After reading "choose clothes, not husbands", I get some ideas about gendar. In accient time, women can not go to work outside of family. All they have to do is doing house work. They have to take care of babies, clean the house, cook for family, weave clothing and so on. Thier husbands do some heavy works. They should do farming or earn money outside.
There are some reasons for differences between women and men's works. Firstly, men are better for some works because they are stronger. Secondly, woman are not allowed to work outside for customs. Also, house works are really heaviy at that time, women can not find enough time to work outside.
Nowadys, more and more women find jobs in the society. It is a tendency with the devolopment in the society. Modern technology provides people more free time to do what they like to do. Women get equal rights as men. They are more independent than ever. In the past, they belong to thier husbands. Today, they are individuals.

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