Mar 1, 2009

Lucy Jiao-what domaniates the guys' mind?

chosing clothes, but not husbands is talking about that Afghan women basically have zero rights, and those women who are obligated under their religious control have to do whatever they are told.
compare to the acient China, those Afghan are still suffering under their religion, or we can say, they still follow their rules. In China, ladies used to tie their feet into 3-inch long, in order not to going out; and acient Chinese women were mostly engaged before they were married.
in France, same thing happened. females were not allowed hanging out without their parents permission, and they had to wear dress everywhere they went.
it was not until Coco Chanel porpulized the pants to women's revolutionary world, women did not only changed their way of looks, but also their minds. a rebel of women equal rights spread out to the whole world started from Australia.

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