Apr 11, 2010

Black men and public space ( Cicely Li)

"The youngish black man-a broad six feet two inches with a beard and billowing hair, both hands showed into the pockets of a bulky military jacket-seemed menacingly chase."
The author is a very nice black people. He is fear of many things. But because of his appearance, he is often though as a thief or a killer or a robber. But he is also afraid of people attacking him first for self-defense. Actually, he didn't do any thing wrong even he never wants to be a robber of a killer. But, he is tall, black, with beard and looks decadent. People think him as a dangerous without consideration.
After reading this article, I begin to think should we judge a person from his or her appearance? Are all of black people dangerous? Are all of white people safe? When we are walking alone in dark, we are a little bit scared. Certainly, we should know how to protect ourselves. Maybe, we can have a sense of safeguard to the black people, but, we don't need to act out. If the people is as nice as the author, he will get hurt. We should believe not all black people are dangerous, some of them are even nicer than some of the white people.

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